Posts Tagged ‘ MAPOR

“I Just Switched” – Who is switching from a landline phone household to cell phone-only household?


In recent years, there has been an increase in the proportion of U.S. households that use cell phones exclusively or extensively. This trend presents a challenge to consumer research panels such as The Gallup Panel that use random digit dialing (RDD) methodology to contact U.S. households at random by landline phone in order to represent the entire U.S. population with their research. Included in this trend is a growing percentage of Americans who are considering giving up their landline phone access at home and planning to use cell phones exclusively. Read more

Is Satisficing a slippery slope? An investigation into the effects of satisficing when answering questions in a mail survey


In this article, we investigate response-order effects across various candidate questions (i.e., questions potentially prone to satisficing) from a 2007 Social Issues mail survey conducted by The Gallup Panel. We also investigate extreme responding and analyze patterns of extreme responses. Read more

Spiritual, but not Religious: Insights from an Online Panel


Recent studies have suggested that a growing number of Americans identify themselves as ‘Spiritual, but not religious’. The socio-demographic portrait of this group of unchurched Americans, which has been nicely described by many authors (see, Fuller (2001) and Roof (1993)) is a one-point perspective of this group. Another perspective, which focuses on the role of spirituality on consumer behavior, however has received limited empirical research. Read more

Wireless Surveys: A New Paradigm in Survey Research


The integration of Internet and Wireless technologies is creating a vast array of services in marketing research to which people want easy and universal access. These services deliver information where and when people want them: directly into the palm of their hand either through a digital mobile phone, personal digital assistant (PDA) or any other palm-held device. Read more